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组别 商品 英文名称 近似群组
919 非汽车座椅和体育设备用安全带 Safety restraints [other than for vehicle seats and sports equipment]
919 耐酸手套 acidproof glove
919 耐酸衣,裙
919 护目镜 goggle 0921组商品
919 防水衣 rainwear 2504防水服
919 耐酸胶鞋 acidproof rubber overshoes
919 防火靴(鞋) fireproofing shoe
919 个人用防事故装置 protection devices for personal use against accidents
919 防事故,防辐射和防火服装
919 防事故用石棉手套 asbestos gloves for protection against accidents
919 防火石棉衣 asbestos clothing for protection against fire
919 遮光玻璃 anti-glare glasses
919 防眩罩
919 遮光挡板
919 飞行员防护服
919 飞行员安全服
919 救生筏 life-saving rafts
919 防护帽
919 安全头盔
919 非人工呼吸用防毒面具 respiratory masks
919 防毒面具(非人工呼吸用) Respiratory masks [other than for artificial respiration]
919 焊接用头盔 solderers-helmets
919 潜水服 civing suits
919 工人用保护面罩
919 工人防护面罩
919 电火花挡板 spark-guards
919 铁路交通安全设施 railway traffic safety appliances
919 防事故用网 nets for protection against accidents
919 救生网
919 安全网
919 救护用防水油布 safety tarpaulins
919 呼吸面具过滤器 filters for respiratory masks
919 洗澡或游泳用浮囊
919 浮圈
919 防事故用手套 gloves for protection against accidents
919 潜水员手套 gloves for divers
919 工业用防X光手套 gloves for protiction against x-rays for industrial purposes
919 眼罩 eyeshades
919 防水服装
919 防火衣
919 救生器械和设备 life saving apparatus and equipment
919 防护面罩
919 安全面罩
919 潜水呼吸器 breathing appauatus for underwater swimming
919 氧气转换装置 Oxygen transvasing apparatus
919 潜水用耳塞 earplugs for divers 1004耳塞
919 防火服 garments for protection against fire
919 牙齿保护器 teeth protectors
919 非医用X射线(伦琴射线)
919 非医用X光射线防护装置 Roentgen rays (Protection devices against –), not for medical purposes
919 非医用X光防护设备 X-rays (Protection devices against –), not for medical purposes
919 滤气呼吸器 respirators for filtering air
919 除人工呼吸外的呼吸器 breathing apparatus,expect for artificial respiration
919 潜水装置 divers‘apparatus
919 救生圈 life-buoys
919 游泳救生圈 swimming belts
919 游泳救生衣 swimming jackets
919 救生衣 lifejackets
919 救生带 lifebelts
919 防弹背心 Vests (Am.) (Bullet-proof –)
919 潜水面具 Divers‘ masks
919 工人用护膝垫 Knee-pads for workers
919 安全带(非汽车座椅和体育用)
919 消防毯 Fire blankets
919 防事故,防辐射,防火用鞋 Shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire
919 耳塞 1004耳塞 原为10类100032
919 体育用风镜 0921组商标
919 潜水员和游泳者用鼻夹
919 体育用保护头盔
地址:徐州市建国西路75号财富广场B座705室|  电话:0516-85605060  85793388  85697579 |  传真:0516-85697579  |  E-mail:XZSBS@163.COM
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