组别 |
商品 |
英文名称 |
近似群组 |
501 |
药用水合氯醛 |
hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用苦木药 |
quassia for medical purposes |
501 |
防腐剂(医用) |
antiseptics |
501 |
氧气浴盆 |
501 |
维生素制剂 |
vitamin preparations |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
鱼肝油 |
cod liver oil |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
补药(药) |
tonics |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
医用卵磷脂 |
lecithin for medical puposes |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
王浆(医用) |
royal jelly |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
人用药 |
mdeicines for human purposes |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
药物饮料 |
medicinal drinks |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
赖氨酸冲剂 |
lysine dosage |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
赖氨酸盐酸盐 |
lysine hydrochloric acid salt |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
珍珠层粉 |
pearl powder |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂 |
501 |
洋参冲剂 |
ginseng liquid |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂,3005螺旋藻(非医用营养品),非医用营养液,非医用营养膏,非医用营养粉,非医用营养胶囊 |
501 |
蜂王精 |
queen bee extract |
0502药制糖果,医用胶,医用糖果,医用营养食物,医用食物营养制剂,医用营养饮料,医用营养品,医用营养添加剂,3005非医用蜂王浆,食用王浆(非医用),蜂蜜,食用蜂胶(蜂胶),食用蜂胶(蜜蜂胶) |
501 |
乌头碱 |
aconitine |
501 |
医用减肥茶 |
reducing tea for medical purposes |
3002茶叶代用品 |
501 |
节食或医药用淀粉 |
starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
硇砂锭剂(氯化铵锭剂) |
sal ammoniac lozenges |
501 |
麻醉剂(局麻药) |
501 |
医用安果斯都拉树皮 |
angostura bark |
501 |
气喘茶 |
asthmatic tea |
501 |
治痔剂 |
501 |
治头痛药品 |
headache |
501 |
防寄生虫制剂(人或兽用) |
antiparasitic preparations |
0504组商品 |
501 |
防尿制剂 |
anti-uric preparations |
501 |
医用及兽医用细菌学研究制剂 |
0504组商品 |
501 |
细菌毒药 |
bacterial poisons |
501 |
医用及兽医用细菌制剂 |
bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use |
0504组商品 |
501 |
医用止痛制剂 |
balsamic preparations |
501 |
药用铋制剂 |
bismuth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
古拉尔氏水(稀次醋酸铅溶液) |
501 |
铅水 |
501 |
药用木炭 |
Charcoal for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
治疗烧伤制剂 |
burns |
501 |
药用儿茶 |
cachou for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
麻醉剂 |
callouses |
501 |
班蝥粉 |
501 |
医药用糖浆 |
syrups for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用胶囊 |
capsules for medicines |
501 |
医药制剂 |
pharmaceutical preparations |
501 |
化学药物制剂 |
chemico-pharmaceutical preparations |
501 |
三氯甲烷 |
chloroform |
501 |
医用无烟草香烟 |
501 |
医用无烟叶香烟 |
501 |
可卡因 |
cocaine |
501 |
缓和便秘的药物 |
constipation |
501 |
医用南美牛奶菜的干皮 |
condurango bark for medical purposes |
501 |
化学避孕剂 |
contraceptives |
501 |
巴豆茎皮 |
croton bark |
501 |
马钱子 |
curare |
501 |
疫苗 |
vaccines |
501 |
煎好的药 |
decoctons for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用助消化剂 |
digestives for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
洋地黄甘 |
digitalin |
501 |
止痛药 |
analgesics |
501 |
医用药物 |
drugs for medical purposes |
501 |
轻便药箱(已装药的) |
medicine cases |
1001外科医生和医生用器械箱,医疗器械箱 |
501 |
药用氧化镁 |
magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用或兽医用微生物培养体 |
Cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use |
0504组商品 |
501 |
医药用蜂花水 |
melissa water for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用树皮 |
501 |
甘香酒(药物制剂) |
elixirs |
501 |
医用盐 |
salts for medical purposes |
501 |
药用酯 |
esters for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用乙醚 |
ethers for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用桉树脑 |
eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用桉树 |
501 |
泻药 |
purgatives |
501 |
药用面粉 |
flour for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用麦片 |
Meal for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
解热剂 |
febrifuges |
501 |
医用茴香 |
fennel for medical purposes |
501 |
药茶 |
medicinal tea |
3002茶叶代用品 |
501 |
杀真菌剂 |
0503污物消毒剂,化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂 |
501 |
健神经剂 |
nervines |
501 |
药用邻甲氧基苯酚 |
guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
打虫药(人或兽用) |
vermifuges |
0504组商品 |
501 |
驱虫剂(人或兽用) |
Vermifuges |
0504组商品 |
501 |
轻泻剂 |
laxatives |
501 |
医用凝胶 |
gelatin for medical purposes |
501 |
药用龙胆 |
gentian for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
杀菌剂 |
germicides |
0503污物消毒剂,化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂 |
501 |
甘油磷酸酯 |
glycerophosphates |
501 |
医药用亚麻子 |
linseed for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
乳脂 |
milking grease |
501 |
血红蛋白元 |
501 |
血色蛋白元 |
501 |
血红蛋白 |
hemoglobin |
501 |
医用药草 |
501 |
药草 |
501 |
医用激素 |
hormones for medical purposes |
501 |
北美黄连碱 |
hydrastine |
501 |
白毛莨分碱 |
501 |
医药用胨 |
peptones for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
三碘甲烷 |
iodoform |
501 |
医用角叉菜 |
irish moss for medical purposes |
501 |
球根牵牛制泻药 |
jalap |
501 |
药浸枣 |
jujube |
501 |
医药用甘草 |
liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用牛奶酵素 |
milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用牛奶发酵剂 |
501 |
医药用亚麻子饼粉 |
linseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用酵母 |
yeast for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用蛇麻腺 |
lupulinfor pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用红树皮 |
mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用薄荷 |
mint for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用麦芽 |
malt for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
血清 |
serums |
501 |
薄荷醇 |
menthol |
501 |
医用或兽医用微生物制剂 |
Microorganisms (Preparations of –) for medical and veterinary use |
0504组商品 |
501 |
医药用锭剂 |
pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用锭剂 |
Pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用芥末 |
mustard for parmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用樱桃李树皮 |
myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
麻醉剂(麻醉药) |
501 |
嗅盐 |
smelling salts |
501 |
医用药膏 |
ointments for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
鸦片制剂 |
501 |
鸦片 |
opium |
501 |
含鸦片制剂 |
opotherapy preparations |
501 |
器官治疗剂 |
Organotherapy preparations |
501 |
医药用果胶 |
pectin for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用药丸 |
pills for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用酚(苯) |
phenol for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
杀寄生虫药(人或兽用) |
parasiticides |
0504组商品,0505杀寄生虫剂 |
501 |
药用草药茶 |
3002茶叶代用品 |
501 |
医药用胃蛋白酶 |
pepsins for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用胶囊 |
501 |
药物胶囊 |
501 |
急救箱(备好药的) |
first-aid boxes |
1001外科医生和医生用器械箱,医疗器械箱 |
501 |
医药用磷酸盐 |
phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
汗足药 |
remedies for foot perspiration |
501 |
血浆 |
blood plasma |
501 |
毒药 |
poisons |
501 |
医用钾盐 |
potassium salts for medical purposes |
501 |
医用破斧木 |
quebracho for medical purposes |
501 |
医用金鸡纳树皮 |
quinquina for medical purposes |
501 |
医用奎宁 |
501 |
医用喹啉 |
chinoline for medical purposes |
501 |
药用根块植物 |
medicinal roots |
501 |
药用植物根 |
Roots (Medicinal –) |
501 |
药用大黄根 |
rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用硝酸氧铋 |
bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
菝葜(医用) |
sarsaparilla |
501 |
医用血 |
blood for medical purposes |
501 |
医用水蛭 |
leeches for medical purposes |
501 |
镇静药 |
501 |
镇静剂 |
501 |
药用麦角 |
ergot for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
血清医疗药剂 |
serotherapeutic medicines |
501 |
安眠药 |
soporilics |
501 |
药用钠盐 |
sodium salts for medical purposes |
501 |
马钱子碱 |
strychnine |
501 |
止血剂 |
styptics |
501 |
药用糖 |
sugar for medial purposes |
501 |
磺胺(药) |
sulphonamides |
501 |
医用酒石 |
tartar for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用松节油 |
turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用松节油 |
oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用麝香草酚 |
thymol for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
排汗药 |
501 |
糜烂性毒剂 |
vesicants |
501 |
药用醋酸盐 |
acetates for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用酸 |
acids for pharmeutical purposes |
501 |
医用生物碱 |
alkaloids for medical purposes |
501 |
药用醋酸乳 |
aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医药用甘草茎 |
stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用小苏打 |
501 |
医用生物制剂 |
biological preparations for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用溴 |
bromine for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用樟脑油 |
camphor oil |
501 |
医用樟脑 |
camphor |
501 |
减肥用药剂 |
slimming purposes |
501 |
药用纤维素脂 |
cellulose ethers for harmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用苛性碱 |
caustics for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用纤维素醚 |
cellulose ethers for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
谷类加工的副产品(医用) |
by-roducts of the processing of cereals |
501 |
药用化学制剂 |
chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用酒石乳剂 |
cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用杂酚油 |
creosote for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
牙科用药 |
medicines for dental purposes |
0507牙科用药 |
501 |
药用酵素 |
ferments for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用硫华 |
flowers of sulphur for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用烟药草 |
501 |
医用烟薰草药 |
501 |
药用棓酸 |
501 |
医用葡萄糖 |
glucose for medical purposes |
501 |
医用藤黄 |
gamboge for medical purposes |
501 |
医用蓖麻油 |
castor oil for medical purposes |
501 |
药用碘 |
iodine for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用碘化物 |
iodides for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用碱性碘化物 |
alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用化学制剂 |
Chemical preparations for medical purposes |
501 |
医用淀粉酶 |
Diastase for medical purposes |
501 |
食用植物纤维(非营养性) |
Fibres (Edible plant –) [non-nutritive] |
501 |
食用植物纤维(非营养性的) |
Plant fibers [fibres] (Edible –) [non-nutritive] |
501 |
医用酶 |
Enzymes for medical purposes |
501 |
医用酶制剂 |
Enzyme preparations for medical purposes |
501 |
医用催干剂 |
Siccatives [drying agents] for medical purposes |
501 |
人用和兽用微量元素制剂 |
Trace elements (Preparations of –) for human and animal use |
0504组商品 |
501 |
药用氨基酸 |
Amino acids for medical purposes |
501 |
药用鱼粉 |
Fishmeal for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用漱口剂 |
Mouthwashes for medical purposes |
501 |
外科和矫形用黏固剂 |
501 |
抗菌素 |
501 |
医用食欲抑制剂 |
501 |
支气管扩张制剂 |
501 |
医用鼹鼠皮 |
501 |
阴道清洗液 |
501 |
医用头发增长剂 |
501 |
类固醇 |
501 |
医用佐药 |
501 |
外科移植物(活组织) |
501 |
针剂 |
501 |
片剂 |
troche |
501 |
酊剂 |
tinctura |
501 |
水剂 |
aqua |
501 |
膏剂 |
ointment |
501 |
口服补盐液 |
take orally salt liquid |
501 |
原料药 |
raw material drug |
501 |
中药成药 |
chinese medicine nostrum |
501 |
生化药品 |
biochemicial drug |
501 |
血液制品 |
blood goods |
501 |
胶丸 |
glue ball |
501 |
药酒 |
drug alcohol |
501 |
医用酒精 |
medicinal alcohol |
501 |
药用乙醛 |
aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
药用镇静油 |
dill water |
501 |
冻伤药膏 |
frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
治疣药笔 |
501 |
医用香膏 |
balms for medical purposes |
501 |
甘汞 |
calomel |
501 |
医药用石灰制剂 |
lime for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
薰蒸香锭 |
501 |
熏蒸棒 |
501 |
烟熏锭剂 |
501 |
熏蒸用棍 |
501 |
眼药水 |
eye-wash |
501 |
除鸡眼药物 |
corn remedies |
501 |
医药用日晒伤剂 |
sunburn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
冻疮制剂 |
chilblain preparations |
501 |
医用去垢剂 |
detergents for medical purposes |
501 |
清除橡皮膏溶剂 |
solvents for removing adhesive plasters |
501 |
医用浸液 |
501 |
浸制药液 |
501 |
医用油脂 |
greases for medical purposes |
501 |
药油 |
501 |
医用油 |
501 |
医用芥子油 |
mustard oil for medical purposes |
501 |
碘酒 |
tincture of iodine |
501 |
医药用洗液 |
lotions for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
搽剂 |
liniments |
501 |
硫磺棒(消毒用) |
sulphur sticks |
501 |
硫磺棒(消毒) |
Sulphur sticks [disinfectants] |
501 |
医用润发脂 |
pomades for medical purposes |
501 |
医用碘酊 |
tinctures for medical purposes |
501 |
汞软膏 |
mercurial ointments |
501 |
肥皂樟脑搽剂 |
opodeldoc |
501 |
芥子膏药纸 |
paper for mustard poultices |
501 |
芥子敷剂纸 |
501 |
护肤药剂 |
skincare |
501 |
去头皮屑的药物制剂 |
501 |
治头皮屑药剂 |
501 |
芥子膏药 |
mustard poultices |
501 |
芥子泥敷剂 |
501 |
芥茉膏药 |
501 |
栓剂 |
suppositories |
501 |
防日晒药膏 |
sunburn ointments |
501 |
医用甘油 |
glycerine for medical purposes |
501 |
药用甲醛 |
formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用熏蒸制剂 |
fumigation prepartions for medical purposes |
501 |
医用凡士林 |
petroleum jelly for medical purposes |
501 |
医用陀螺状羯布罗香油(香膏) |
gurjun balsam for medical purposes |
501 |
药用蛇麻子浸膏 |
hops for pharmaceutical purposes |
501 |
医用过氧化氢 |
hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes |
501 |
油剂 |
501 |
止痒水 |
stop itch lotion |
501 |
去灰指甲油 |
treat ash nail oil |
501 |
艾卷 |
argy wormwood roll |
501 |
贴剂 |
sticking stuff |
501 |
风湿油 |
501 |
伤风油 |
501 |
清凉油 |
501 |
医用浴剂 |
bath preparations,medicated |
0301第一自然段商品及0306洗澡用化妆品 |
501 |
矿泉水沐浴盐 |
0301非医用沐浴盐,浴盐 |
501 |
矿泉水浴盐 |
0301非医用沐浴盐,浴盐 |
501 |
药浴用海水 |
0301第一自然段商品及0306洗澡用化妆品 |
501 |
治疗淋浴用海水 |
501 |
浴用治疗剂 |
bath |
501 |
医药用泥浆 |
sediment |
501 |
药用沉淀泥 |
Sediment (Medicinal –) [mud] |
501 |
浴用泥浆 |
mud for baths |
0301第一自然段商品及0306洗澡用化妆品 |
501 |
泥敷剂 |
poultices |
501 |
医用矿泉水 |
mineral water for medical purposes |
501 |
矿泉水盐 |
mineral water salts |
501 |
温泉水 |
thermal water |
501 |
医用淋浴盐 |
501 |
医用X光造影剂 |
radiological contrast substances for medical purposes |
501 |
怀孕诊断用化学制剂 |
diagnosis of pregnancy |
501 |
医用诊断制剂 |
diagnostic preparations for medical purposes |
501 |
医用或兽医用化学试剂 |
Reagents (Chemical –) for medical or veterinary purposes |
0504组商品 |
501 |
医用镭 |
radium for medical purposes |
501 |
医用放射性物质 |
501 |
医用同位素 |
isotopes for medical purposes |
501 |
放射性药品 |
radioactivity drug |
501 |
浴用氧气 |
501 |
医用气体 |
gases for medical purposes |
501 |
心电图描记器电极用化学导体 |
chemical conductors for electrocardiog raph electrodes |
501 |
人工授精用精液 |
semen for artificial insemination |
501 |
卫生消毒剂 |
disinfectants for hygiene purposes |
0503污物消毒剂,化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂 |
501 |
消毒剂 |
sterilising preparations |
0503污物消毒剂,化学盥洗室用消毒剂,0505土壤消毒剂,灭微生物剂,灭干朽真菌制剂 |
501 |
隐形眼镜用溶液 |
solutions for contact lenses |
501 |
隐形眼镜清洁剂 |
Cleaning preparations (Contact lens –) |
501 |
隐形眼镜清洗液 |
Contact lens cleaning preparations |
501 |
培养细菌用的肉汤 |
media for bacterilolgical cultures |
501 |
培养细菌用的溶剂 |
501 |
培养细菌用肉汤 |
501 |
细菌培养媒介 |
Media for bacteriological cultures |
501 |
微生物用营养物质 |
nutritive substances for micro-organisms |
501 |
制微生物用培养物 |
Nutritive substances for microorganisms |
501 |
医用或兽医用微生物培养基 |
0504组商品 |