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组别 商品 英文名称 近似群组
104 燃料节省剂 fuel-saving preparations
104 过滤材料(矿物质) filtering materials
104 催化剂 catalysts 0106组生物化学催化剂及0102组工业用酶制剂,工业淀粉酶,工业用酶类似
104 制清漆用的陀螺状羯布罗香油(香膏)
104 增白剂 brightener
104 漂毛粉 rinse powder
104 防染盐 preventing contaminat salt
104 印染用净洗剂 dye abstergent
104 匀染剂 dye leveller
104 印染用海藻酸纳
104 柔软剂 softener
104 防皱剂 anti-creasing agent
104 印染用整理剂 dye finish
104 纤维润滑剂 fibre lubricant
104 混凝土凝结剂 agglutinats for concrete
104 混凝土用凝结剂 Concrete (Agglutinants for –)
104 混凝土用充气用化学品
104 除油漆和油外的混凝土防腐剂 concrete preservatives,except paints and oils
104 除漆和油外的混凝土防腐剂 Preservatives (Concrete –), except paints and oils
104 除油漆外的水泥防水制剂 cement-waterproofing preparations,except paints
104 除油漆外的水泥防水化学品 Cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints
104 除油漆和油外的水泥保护料 cement preservatives,except paints and oils
104 除漆和油外的水泥防腐剂 Cement preservatives, except paints and oils
104 除油漆和油外的砖石建筑防腐剂 nasonry preservatives,except paints and oils
104 除漆和油外的砖石建筑防腐剂
104 除油漆和油脂外的砖房防腐剂 brickwork preservatives,except paints and oils
104 除漆和油外的砖房防腐剂 Preservatives (Brickwork –), except paints and oils
104 除漆和油外的瓷砖防腐剂 preservatives for tiles,except paints and oils
104 除油漆和油外的砖瓦保存剂 Tiles (Preservatives for –), except paints and oils
104 除油漆外的砖石建筑防潮剂 damp proofing preparations,except paints,for masonry
104 易燃制剂(发动机燃料用化学添加剂) combusting preparations addiives to motor
104 发动机燃料化学添加剂 additives,chemical,to motor fuel
104 汽车燃料化学添加剂 Motor fuel (Chemical additives to –)
104 汽油净化添加剂 detergent additives to petrol
104 喷气燃料用烟雾剂 gas propellents for aerosols
104 烟雾剂用气体推进剂 Gas propellents for aerosols
104 内燃机防爆材料 antiknock substances for internal combustion engines
104 内燃机抗爆剂 Internal combustion engines (Anti-knock substances for –)
104 防冻剂 anti-freeze
104 引擎脱碳用化学制剂 engine-decarbonising chemicals
104 引擎脱碳化学品 Engine-decarbonising chemicals
104 液压系统用液 fluids for hydraulic circuits
104 液压系统用液体 Fluids for hydraulic circuits
104 油分离化学品 oil-separating chemicals
104 制动液 brake fluid
104 刹车液 Fluids (Brake –)
104 石油分散剂 petroleum dispersants
104 油脂分散剂 oil dispersants
104 纺织品上浆和修整制剂 dressing and finishing preparations for tex tiles
104 上浆料(化学制剂) Starch size [chemical preparations] 0114组上浆剂类似,苦味五倍子,五倍子与0114组
104 纺织品上光化学品 textile-brightening chemicals
104 长统丝袜用防抽丝物质 runs in stockings
104 长统袜用防抽丝物质 Stockings (Substances for preventing runs in –)
104 漂白用润湿剂 wetting preparations for use in bleaching
104 漂白用浸湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in bleaching
104 蜡漂白化学品 wax-bleaching chemicals
104 有机漂白化学品 organic-bleaching chemicals
104 抛光和底漆浆料 Size for finishing and priming
104 涂在织物上的防污化学品
104 纤维用防污化学品 Stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics
104 纺织工业用漂洗剂 fulling prepartions for use in textile industry
104 漂白剂 fulling preparations
104 五倍子 gallnuts
104 苦味五倍子 Nuts (Gall –)
104 脂肪漂白化学品 fat-bleaching chemicals
104 纺织品防水化学品 waterproofin chemicals
104 纺织品浸渍化学品 textile-impregnating chemicals
104 染布用润湿剂 wetting preparations use in dyeing
104 染色用浸湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in dyeing
104 纺织工业用漂白土 fullers earth for use in textile industry
104 纺织工业用润湿剂
104 纺织工业用浸湿剂 Moistening [wetting] preparations for use in the textile industry
104 染料助剂 dyestuff assister
104 印染用保险粉 rongalite
104 印染用吊白粉 dye whitening
104 固色剂 dye fixatives
104 印染用扩散剂 diffusant
104 印染用溶解盐 dye dissolution salt
104 印染用太古油 dye remote qntiquity oil
104 印染用渗透剂 dye penetrant
104 油净化化学品 oil-purifying chemicals
104 油脂分离剂 greases
104 吸油用合成物 absorbing oil
104 吸油用合成材料
104 助力液 Fluid (Power steering –)
104 动力操纵液 Power steering fluid
104 传送液 Transmission fluid
104 传动液 Fluid (Transmission –)
104 引擎冷却剂用防沸腾制剂
104 引擎冷却剂
104 填漏剂 fill leak stuff
104 填隙剂 fill crack stuff
104 起动液 jump-starter
104 阻燃剂 fire retarder
104 润闸液
104 硅油乙基 silicon ethide
104 搪瓷生产用瓷釉(化学制剂,非颜料)
104 膨润土 bentonite
104 陶瓷釉 ceramic glazings 0205组中瓷釉(漆),瓷漆,釉料(漆,清漆)
104 陶瓷釉料 Glazings (Ceramic –) 0205组中瓷釉(漆),瓷漆,釉料(漆,清漆)
104 搪瓷遮光剂 enamel
104 玻璃遮光剂 glass
104 搪瓷或玻璃用遮光剂 opacifiers for enamel or glass
104 搪瓷着色化学品 enamel-staining chemicals
104 陶瓷釉 kaolin
104 瓷土 Clay (China –)
104 玻璃磨砂用化学品 glass--frosting chemicals
104 制毛玻璃用化学品 Glass-frosting chemicals
104 搪瓷和玻璃着色化学品 staining-chemicals
104 玻璃着色化学品 glass--staining chemicals
104 水玻璃(可溶玻璃) water glass
104 制技术陶瓷用合成物 Ceramics (Compositions for the manufacture of technical –)
104 烧结用陶瓷合成物(颗粒和粉末)
104 蓄电池用防泡沫溶液 anti-frothing solutions for batteries
104 电池用防泡沫深液
104 电池防泡沫溶液 Batteries (Anti-frothing solutions for –)
104 提炼合金金属的化学制剂 chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals
104 提炼金属合金的化学制剂 Chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals
104 镀银用银盐溶液 silver salt solutions for silvering
104 电镀电解浸液 galvanizing baths
104 电镀液 Galvanizing baths
104 蓄电池充电用酸性水 acidulated water for recharing batteries
104 电池充电用酸性水 Acidulated water for recharging batteries
104 蓄电池组用盐剂 salts for galvanic cells
104 原电池盐 Salts for galvanic cells
104 电镀制剂 galanizing preparations
104 排除电池硫酸盐用液体 liquids for removing sulphates from batteries
104 蓄电池硫酸盐清除剂 Liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators
104 电池硫酸盐清除剂 Liquids for removing sulphates from batteries
104 电刷镀溶液 brush plating solution
104 气体净化剂 gas purifying preparations
104 过滤材料(化学制剂) filtering materials
104 过滤材料(植物质) filtering materials
104 用作过滤介质的颗粒状陶瓷材料 ceramic materials in particulae form,for use as filltering media
104 用作过滤媒介的颗粒状陶瓷材料 Filtering media (Ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as –)
104 铸造制模用制剂 foundry moulding preparations
104 铸造制模用物料 Molding preparations (Foundry –)
104 铸造用砂 foundry sand
104 铸造用砂 Sand (Foundry –)
104 铸粉 plating powder
104 水软化剂 water-softening preparations
104 澄清剂 clarification preparations
104 净化剂(澄清制剂)
104 离子交换剂(化学品) ion exchangers
104 离子交换剂(化学制剂) Ion exchangers [chemical preparations]
104 絮凝剂 flocculants
104 水净化化学品 water purifying chemicals
104 水净化用化学品
104 工业用软化剂 emollients for industrial purposes
104 清洁烟筒用化学品 chimney cleaners,chemical
104 生产加工用去油脂制剂 de-greasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes
104 生产加工用除脂剂 Grease-removing preparations for use in manufacturing processes
104 生产加工用去垢剂 detergents for use in manufacturing processes
104 镜头防污剂
104 工业用肥皂(含金属) soaps for industrial purposes
104 玻璃防污剂 glass
104 油分散剂 Oil dispersants
104 油脂漂白化学品 oil-bleaching chemicals
104 油漂白化学品
104 窗子防锈化学品 anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows
104 窗户防污化学品 Anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows
104 非家用除垢剂 Scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes
104 清理散热器用化学物
104 工业用洗净剂 abstergent
104 制清漆用的陀螺状羯布罗香油(香膏)
104 制清漆用陀螺状羯布罗香油 Gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] (Balm of –) for making varnish
104 制漆用化学制剂 paints
104 清漆溶制 0205组商品
104 硫化加速剂 vulcanisation accelerators 0102组硫化剂及0108组第三段
104 橡胶防腐剂 rubber preservatives 0102组硫化剂及0108组第三段
104 非家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes 0102组硫化剂及0108组第三段
104 工业用碳黑 0102组硫化剂及0108组第三段
104 橡胶化学增强剂 Chemical intensifiers for rubber 0102组硫化剂及0108组第三段
104 促进剂
104 乌洛托平 woluotuopin
104 抗静电剂 antistatic agent
104 抗氧剂 antioxidant
104 钻探泥浆化学添加剂 additives,chemical,to drilling muds
104 钻探泥浆用的化学添加剂 Drilling muds (Chemical additives to –)
104 钻探泥浆 drilling muds
104 研磨剂(和研磨剂配用的辅助液) auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives
104 磨料用辅助液 Auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives
104 研磨用辅助液 Fluids for use with abrasives (Auxiliary –)
104 淀粉溶解化学品(脱胶制)
104 液化淀粉制剂(去胶剂) Starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]
104 溶胶剂(使淀粉液化的化学品)
104 分离式消除粘性制剂 ungluing preparations
104 溶胶制剂 Ungluing preparations
104 除粘分离剂
104 脱胶制剂 gum bolvents
104 胶溶剂 Gum solvents
104 动物碳 animal charcoal
104 动物碳素制剂 animal carbon preparations
104 动物碳制剂 Carbon preparations (Animal –)
104 骨碳 bone charcoal
104 骨炭 Charcoal (Bone –)
104 血碳 blood charcoal
104 血炭 Charcoal (Blood –)
104 动物碳素 animal carbon
104 非食物用防腐盐 salt for preserving,other than for foodstuffs
104 非食物防腐用盐 Preserving (Salt for –), other than for foodstuffs
104 防酸化合物 acid proof chemical compositions
104 化学防腐剂 aggressor repellent chemicals 0206组防腐剂
104 防霉化学制剂 mildew
104 活性碳 absorbing carbons
104 过滤用碳 carbon for filters
104 吸气剂(化学活性物质) getters
104 工业用漂白剂(脱色剂) decolorants
104 工业用脱色剂
104 工业用增亮化学制品(颜料)
104 工业用亮色化学品 Color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes
104 制造颜料用化学制剂 Pigments (Chemical preparations for the manufacture of –)
104 未加工醋酸纤维素 0108组第一,二段
104 化学冷凝制剂 condensation prepartations
104 钢材精加工制剂 finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel
104 防水锈剂 anti-incrustants 0206组金属防锈制剂,金属用保护剂,防锈脂,防锈油脂,防锈油,防锈制剂(储藏用)
104 铝土矿 bauxite
104 防冷凝化学制剂 condesation-preventing chemicals
104 省煤剂 coal saving preparations
104 工业用化学品 industrial chemicals 0104组所有商品
104 工业化学品 Industrial chemicals 0104组所有商品
104 火棉胶 collodion
104 金属着色盐 salts for colouring metal
104 医药制剂保存剂 preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations
104 腐蚀剂 corrosive preparttions
104 非医用酒石乳剂 gream of tartar,other than for pharmaceutical purposes 0102组非医药用酒石
104 自卫用化学制剂 Self defence (Chemical preparations for –)
104 脱模制剂 mould-release preparations
104 脱模剂 Mold-release preparations
104 去光材料 polish removing substances
104 清除抛光剂用料 Removing polish (Substances for –)
104 工业脱水制剂 dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes
104 防(除)水锈剂
104 唱片修复制剂 renovating preparations for phonograph records
104 唱片修补剂 Records (Renovating preparations for phonograph –)
104 金属硬化剂 metal hardening preparations
104 闪光信号灯制剂 flashlight preparations
104 乳化剂 emulsifiers
104 工业用面粉 flour for industrial purposes 0102组工业用淀粉
104 加工螺丝用合成剂
104 石灰石硬化物 limestone hardening substances
104 工业用灯烟 lamp black for industrical purposes
104 工业用灯黑 Lamp black for industrial purposes
104 工业用红树皮 mangrove bark for industrial purposes
104 毒气中和剂 toxic gas neutralizers
104 工业用土豆粉 potato flourindustrial purposes 0102组工业用淀粉
104 工业用白雀树皮 quebracho for industrial purposes
104 制冷剂 frigorifiques
104 工业用谷类加工的副产品
104 工业有谷物加工副产品
104 工业或农业用煤灰 soot for industrial or agricultural purposes
104 工业用蒸煮激发剂
104 非食用藻酸盐(胶化和加压剂) alginates other than for alimentary purposes
104 木醇蒸馏剂 wood alcohol
104 化学用杂酚油 creosote for chemical pursoses
104 金属腐蚀剂 Mordants for metals
104 海水(工业用) Sea water [for industrial purposes]
104 纸用化学增强剂 Chemical intensifiers for paper
104 工业用磁性液 Magnetic fluid for industrial purposes
104 防水浆消泡剂 antibubbling agent
104 荧光粉 phosphor powder
104 油墨抗凝剂 anti coagulanting agent
104 固香剂 aromatic liquid
104 探伤气雾剂 explore wound aerosol
104 松醇油 pine wine oil
104 车身填充物
104 硅酸钠(溶性玻璃)
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