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家庭或 、厨房用具及容器(非贵重金属所制,也非镀有贵重金属的),梳子及海绵,刷子(画笔除外),制刷材料,清扫用具,钢丝绒,未加工或半加工玻璃( 建筑用玻璃除外),不属别类的玻璃器皿,瓷器及陶器
组别 商品 英文名称 近似群组
2106 便壶 chamber pots 1004病床上用便盆,尿壶(容器)
2106 裤子撑架 trouser strtchers
2106 痰盂 ?spitbox 1004病床上用便盆,尿壶(容器),医用痰盂
2106 非贵重金属烛台 Candlesticks, not of precious metal
2106 非贵重金属罐 pots,not of precious metal
2106 非贵重金属水瓶 Pitchers, not of precious metal
2106 个人用除臭装置 deodorsing apparatus for personal use
2106 非贵重金属瓶 flasks,not of precious metal
2106 非贵重金属熄烛器 candle extinguishers,not of precious metal
2106 非纸制花盆套 Covers, not of paper, for flower pots
2106 婴儿浴盆(便携式) Baby baths [portable]
2106 鞋楦头(撑具) shoe-trees
2106 室内养殖池(种植物用) Indoor terrariums [plant cultivation]
2106 室内培养池(种植物用) Terrariums (Indoor –) [plant cultivation]
2106 衣夹 Clothes-pegs
2106 衣服支撑架 Clothes-pins
2106 清理堵塞排水管用栓塞 Plungers for clearing blocked drains
2106 非贵重金属蜡烛架(烛台) candelabra ,not of precious metal
2106 熨衣板 ironing boards
2106 浇花用洒水器 syringes for watering flowers and plants
2106 纸篓 paper basket
2106 喷水壶喷头 roses for watering cans
2106 非贵重金属花瓶 vases,not of precious metal
2106 肥皂碟 soap holders
2106 肥皂架 Soap holders
2106 垃圾箱 trash cans
2106 垃圾筒 Garbage cans
2106 喷壶莲蓬头 Roses for watering cans
2106 晾衣架 clothes horses
2106 非贵重金属烛环 candle ring,not of precious metal
2106 浇花用喷头 Syringes for watering flowers and plants
2106 鞋拔 shoe horns
2106 撑衣架 clothing stritchers
2106 衣服撑架 Stretchers for clothing
2106 钮扣钩 buttonhooks
2106 非金属存钱罐 money boxes ,not of metal
2106 盥洗室器具 toilet utensils
2106 非医用喷雾器 aerosol dispensers,not for medical purposes
2106 非贵重金属制祭祀容器 sacred vessels,not of precious metal
2106 鞋楦(撑具) Boot trees [stretchers]
2106 熨衣板套(成形的) ironing board covers
2106 领带压平器 tie presses
2106 筛(家用器具) sieves
2106 碱液洗盆 wash-tubs
2106 洗涤桶 Washtubs
2106 熨斗搁架 flat-iron stands
2106 熨斗架 Stands (Flat-iron –)
2106 衬衫撑架 shirt stretchers
2106 肥皂分配器 soap dispensers
2106 手套撑具 Stretchers (Glove –)
2106 编织品制桶 fabrics
2106 花和植物用盆(花展用) holders for folwers and plants
2106 花盆 flower pots
2106 家用除烟器 smoke absorbers for household purposes
2106 手套拉伸器 glove stretchers
2106 葫芦瓶 drinking flasks for travellers
2106 旅行饮水瓶 Drinking flasks for travellers
2106 洗衣用干燥架 drying racks for washing
2106 卫生纸架 toilet paper holders
2106 排灌设备 Watering devices
2106 煤渣用筛(家用器皿) cinder lifters
2106 搓衣板 washing boards
2106 洒水软管喷嘴 nozzles for sprinkler hose
2106 洒水装置 watering devices
2106 洒水器 sprinklers
2106 喷壶 watering cans
2106 水桶 pdils 2101盆(容器),盆,铁桶,2002组非金属桶,非金属大桶
2106 提桶 Pails 2101盆(容器),盆,铁桶,2002组非金属桶,非金属大桶
2106 散发纸巾的金属盒 boxes of metal,for dispensing paper towels
2106 纸巾分配金属盒 Dispensing paper towels (Metal boxes for –)
2106 肥皂盒 soap boxes
2106 脱靴器 boot jacks
2106 靴撑 Jacks (Boot –)
2106 香炉 perfume murners
2106 煤桶 coal scuttles
2106 喷管 spouts
2106 熨裤机 trouser presses
2106 家用细筛
地址:徐州市建国西路75号财富广场B座705室|  电话:0516-85605060  85793388  85697579 |  传真:0516-85697579  |  E-mail:XZSBS@163.COM
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